Game Log 1 - Experience

Game Name: Perception

Team name: The Clovns

Team members and their roles:
Gamemaster: Demet Temel
Crafter: Demet Temel & Sebastian Poulsen
Designer: Sebastian Poulsen & Yasmina Chami
Storyteller & Artist: Yasmina Chami & Emilia Nordtømme

Cultural Heritage, EU Values, Game Type & Cultural/Societal Theme
Our chosen EU values are freedom and equality. It comes from our wish to create a game without necessarily a manual explanation on how to play, but hopefully intuitive enough to “just” understand the game. And, because we people come from different backgrounds, and therefore have a different perception of things and situations. We have a hard time choosing a game type this soon, because we haven’t had enough time to discuss, but we have eliminated art/Role-play and Anti-shooter/Survival. The cultural heritage we want to dive deeper into is cultural gameworlds because of its openness. The societal themes we will work with are both Unfair mechanics and systems and social inclusion and exclusion.

First Idea: Games for Culture – How will your team develop a game that:
We will try to develop a game that plays a bit on a person's perspective. We like the idea of making the player feel some type of way while playing the game. The use of cultural heritage could come through the wording of media in cases such as Israel/Palestine or other ongoing conflicts in the world, and how media portrays/words their titles to manipulate. Gamifying the way to inform people about bias possibly?
We have had the idea of making a cultural gameworld that would include the player being placed in the middle of 4 screens and a speaker, with them then being presented with media titles and having them guess which is correct. It is a fun and exciting way of informing people about media bias.

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