Game Log 3 - Imagine

Game Name: Perception

Team name: The Clovns

Team members and their roles:
Gamemaster: Demet Temel
Crafter: Demet Temel & Sebastian Poulsen
Designer: Sebastian Poulsen & Yasmina Chami
Storyteller & Artist: Yasmina Chami & Emilia Nordtømme

Short comment;
We found Game Log 3 repetitive of what we already had answered in the previous logs, so this Game Log focuses on what we did on Wednesday in a general sense. We decided to focus on one of the EPIC-WE methods - “Citizen Experience Mapping”. It is also important for us to mention that we were interested in reflecting upon the other methods, but we made the decision to focus on one based on what we thought would be doable and most relevant.

Game Mockup/Pitching
“Citizen Experience Mapping”
Since the start, we have had a desire to focus on the players' experience—we want the player to BE the game. We have really tried to put ourselves in the players’ shoes, imagining how they would react to the different sensory elements and think about how we, ourselves, would have reacted. Therefore, this method has been a good way to get a deeper understanding of how the player might think, say, do, hear, and feel. By doing this, we have gotten perspectives on how we maybe can highlight certain elements and add new ones to portray our message in the best sense and to create the experience we have in mind. 

When pitching our idea to the Expert Counselors, we tried to explain the concept of the design, as well as intertwining our reflections from the Ideation Wheel, and how our concept is based on those values. 

The feedback we got from the counselors was regarding various aspects of our concept, the photos we planned to use, how we could highlight the message we wanted to portray, and so on.

We planned to implement photos from ARoS that we took ourselves in our photo bombarding introduction, but one of the counselors mentioned that we should be careful with that due to copyright. We considered his comment and have now changed most of them out with AI-generated photos.

One of the counselors also mentioned that we should let the player have more control in terms of choices and interactivity. We could see his point, but we reflected upon it and decided to keep our idea. That decision was made because we think the idea of not letting the player have much control really ties in with the theme of our EU value - freedom. This is one of our strongest messages in the project.

We also got feedback on how at least one of the questions should have a right answer because the player becomes passive. This is something we talked a lot about and reflected upon in the early stages. We think this feedback is valid, but our conclusion was to have all the answers be wrong because of our strong desire to portray how society and culture has made it impossible for people to “be right”.

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